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Franklin County Democratic Party's Third Friday Luncheon July 20

Come learn about "The Citizen's Redistricting Project" next Friday, July 20, 2012, at the Franklin County Democratic Party's Third Friday Luncheon. The guest speaker with be Professor Daniel P. Tokaji, a noted authority on election law and voting rights. The luncheon will be held at The River Club at Confluence Park, 679 W. Spring Street, Columbus, 43215. The cost is $16, and is payable at the door with only cash or check, no credit cards.

Registration and networking begin at 11:30. The buffet line for lunch opens at 11:45, and the presentation begins promptly at 12:00 noon. You must reserve your seat. Please RSVP at  Questions? Call Denny Roberge, (614) 207-9779.  The Third Friday Luncheon is a gathering of committed Democratic political activists cinvolved in Columbus, Franklin County, Central Ohio and Ohio politics.


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