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Franklin County Democratic Party

Central Committee Candidates - 2020

The 2020 Primary on March 17th is also  an election for the representatives of the 6 Wards in Upper Arlington to the Ohio Democratic Party Central Committee. Some are contested and some are not. Some are endorsed by the Franklin County Democratic Party (FCDP), some are not. UAPA requested all candidates to submit a brief statement if they wished so you can become familiar with people who help guide our local Democratic Party. Providing this information to you does not constitute an endorsement by UAPA.

Apply for Vacant UA Positions on the FCDP Executive Committee

Along with a number of at large members, every ward in Franklin County is entitled to a representative on the Executive Committee of the Franklin County Democratic Party (FCDP).

Of the seven wards in Upper Arlington, Wards 4 and 5 will become vacant in 2020. We at UAPA want UA to be fully represented in the councils of the county party, so we encourage YOU to consider running for one of these seats.

John Lytle Just Misses Re-Election to Central Committee

UAPA President, John Lytle was two votes ahead when the votes were counted on election day, March 15, 2016. When absentee and provisional ballots were counted, Paula Brooks was the new Upper Arlington Ward 6 representative on the Central Committee for the Franklin County Democratic Party. Congratulations to Paula and to John for a hard-fought election.


Headquarters for candidates and election campaigns, local, state and national Democratic politics, general election information, and issues with political implications.


The FCDP Needs Your Help!

The Franklin County Democratic Party is in need of volunteers to help us answer the phones at Party headquarters.  We're getting a large number of phone calls from voters seeking information.  We don't want to miss these important phone calls at this time of the year.  If we can't help voters we may not get their vote.
We're also getting phone calls for voters who may need transportation to the polls.  We have a long list of drivers who are more than willing to make sure every person has a chance to cast their ballot, but we need help matching voters to drivers.
If you can help even for a couple hours per day, we'd really appreciate it.  We especially need people on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  This would only be until after the election.
If you can help the Democrats in Franklin County, please call 614-229-5286 or e-mail us at
We're located at 545 E. Town Street.  There is free parking available in the teamster’s parking lot on Walnut Street behind our headquarters.  Please help us to educate and keep our voters!


2012 Franklin County Democratic Voter Guide

As you fill out your "vote early" ballot or head to early in-person voting on Morse Road, be sure to download and print out our handy voter guide. It lists all the FCDP endorsed candidates and issues, and lists the two Upper Arlington-specific measures we'll be voting on! Now you can be sure to vote for the candidates whose values and goals most closely match yours!  And be sure to vote Brown all the way down!

Download your voter guide here: 2012 Franklin County Sample Democratic Ballot.pdf


Meet the FCDP Chairman Events

Take advantage of two upcoming opportunities to meet the new Franklin County Democratic Chairman, Greg Haas.

Join Chairman Haas for coffee and conversation.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
8:00 AM
Dempsey's Restaurant, 346 S. High Street, Columbus 43215


Join Special Guest Mayor Michael B. Coleman for a Cocktail Reception in Honor of Greg Haas, FCDP Party Chairman.

Franklin County Democratic Party's Third Friday Luncheon July 20

Come learn about "The Citizen's Redistricting Project" next Friday, July 20, 2012, at the Franklin County Democratic Party's Third Friday Luncheon. The guest speaker with be Professor Daniel P. Tokaji, a noted authority on election law and voting rights. The luncheon will be held at The River Club at Confluence Park, 679 W. Spring Street, Columbus, 43215. The cost is $16, and is payable at the door with only cash or check, no credit cards.

Democratic Party Organizations

Link to local and state Democratic organizations.

Franklin County central committee meeting March 9 2010

Central and Executive Committee of the Franklin County Democratic Party

Tuesday, March 9 at 6 p.m.

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