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Ending Gerrymandering in Ohio -- Next UAPA Meeting August 21

Come learn more about the amendment intended to end gerrymandering, and what it means for the voters of Ohio at our next monthly membership meeting on Tuesday, August 21 as we welcome Dick Gunther of Voters' First. We'll be meeting at 7:00 p.m. at the Upper Arlington Public Library, 2800 Tremont Road, Upper Arlington.

Voters' First is a consortium of nonpartisan, good government organizations in Ohio, including the League of Women Voters, Ohio Citizen Action, ProgressOhio, the Ohio Education Association and Common Cause/Ohio. Community volunteers from these organizations, UAPA and others were responsible (along with paid solicitors) for obtaining enough signatures to place the amendment on the November ballot. There will be an opportunity for Q and A, discussion and comment at the end of Gunther’s presentation.


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