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Issue 2 (2012)

Story Archive - 2012

Stories related to the 2012 Election and other 2012 issues.

Issue 2: New Ad. Issue 2 Cited in Huffington Post

The Huffington Post listed Issue 2 among their Ten Ballot Measures to Watch in the 2012 Election.

See the Issue 2 ad!


Should Ohio voters approve State Issue 2?

Yes: Plan would help make drawing of legislative districts more fair

By  Jack D’Aurora

Columbus Dispatch, October 15, 2012

Issue 2 is taking a lot of heat. It calls for replacing the apportionment board — the governor, state auditor, secretary of state and two members of the legislature — with a nonpartisan commission to draw state legislative and congressional districts. Is Issue 2 as bad as the critics say?

The commission would consist of 12 members and be re-established after each federal 10-year census. Anyone who, within 10 years of applying to be a member, served as a federal or state official, or was an employee of the Ohio legislature or U.S. Congress, or was a state agency director or paid lobbyist, is ineligible. The same goes for anyone who, within five years of applying, was a political candidate, campaign consultant, political party employee or made more than $5,000 in political contributions in a two year period.

Read more at the Columbus Dispatch.


The Most Effective Election Tool: Sample Ballots

We Need Your Help to Distribute the Democratic Sample Ballot During the Five Weeks of Early Voting Starting October 2. 

In 2008, over 55,000 Franklin County residents voted early and in person.  We can make a measurable difference for Sherrod Brown, Maureen Reedy , Issue 2, and many more candidates and issues we care about, if we can hand a Democratic Sample Ballot to voters before they step in front of the voting booth.  With a sample ballot, they'll know who the endorsed candidates and issues are.  Please consider volunteering for one or more, three hour shifts during the Early Vote period.  Read on to find out more. E-mail with the days and times you are available. 
Download a sample ballot today! 2012 Franklin County Sample Democratic Ballot.pdf



2012 Redistricting Petition Drive

If you care about fair and balanced elections, you need to care about the citizen-initiated Redistricting Movement and support it with your time and money. The obscene gerrymandering that has gone on for far too many years has resulted in district geographies that defy sensible representation -- a situation that must stop now.

Issue 2

Steps to fairer districts:

1. Get enough petition signatures to place an issue on the November 6, 2012 ballot. DONE!

2. Learn more by reading our FAQ on redistricting and gerrymandering and visiting Voters First Ohio.

3. Educate voters about ISSUE 2 and encourage them to vote YES. Hint: We need money and bodies to spread the word! See the ad!


Sadly, this issue failed on November 6th. We are now stuck with badly gerrymandered districts until the next Census. Or until we can convince our fellow Ohioans to embrace progressive ideas.

Ending Gerrymandering in Ohio -- Next UAPA Meeting August 21

Come learn more about the amendment intended to end gerrymandering, and what it means for the voters of Ohio at our next monthly membership meeting on Tuesday, August 21 as we welcome Dick Gunther of Voters' First. We'll be meeting at 7:00 p.m. at the Upper Arlington Public Library, 2800 Tremont Road, Upper Arlington.

Time is Running Out! We Need Your Signature by July 1!

Imagine 10 more years of rigged Republican districts that virtually guarantees Republican one-party rule in Ohio for the next decade. Let that sink in.

That's what the currently redrawn district map virtually guarantees --- one-party Republican rule in Ohio through 2020. It's as simple as this:  unless this redistricting petition gets enough signatures to get on the November ballot, Ohio Republicans will have the upper hand at the state and federal levels. The only recourse to challenge their misguided legislation will be an endless 10 more years of petitions, ballot issues and fund raising for long-shot Democratic candidates.

If you signed a petition last fall, you have not signed this current petition and we need your signature! Click 'Read More' to see where you can sign the petition:

Canvass for Fair Voting Districts on Saturday June 9th!

This Saturday people all across Ohio will be hitting the streets, fighting for fair voting districts. Help put voters first by canvassing for signatures on June 9th at either 10 AM or 2 PM (or both if you’re a rock star!). Meet at 1395 Dublin Rd.

Reform Redistricting - Sign the Petition!

The background: Nonpartisan, good government organizations in Ohio have proposed a constitutional amendment that would reform Ohio’s redistricting process. With enough support this issue can be on this November’s ballot, so that Ohio’s voters can decide.


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