published by Cheryl Grossman on Mon, 05/13/2019 - 20:45
May 28, 2019
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Friends Theater, UA Public Library (2800 Tremont Rd.)
Recycling can be confusing.
What materials can be put in our recycling bins and what should not be?
What happens to our recycling and trash after it's picked up?
Why is it a bad idea to put my recycling in plastic bags?
How can I reduce food waste, other trash, and the kinds of plastics that I can't recycle?
These and many other questions will be addressed at Beyond the Recycing Bin at the UA Public Library, Friends Theater (2800 Tremont Rd.) by a representative of SWACO on Mary 28, 2019. The program begins at 7:00 PM (doors open at 6:30 PM with snacks and light beverages).
We hope to have information about other things like:
recycling plant pots
food waste (Bokashi, vermicomposting, back yard and other composting)
reducing your use of plastics
Program sponsored by UAPA, Organizing for UA and Columbus Northwest Blues
Facebook event
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