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Sign SB5 petitions April 30, May 7

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April 29, 2011

Chances to sign SB5 petitions

We need your john hancock to put the repeal of SB5 on the November ballot!

Saturday, April 30, 9 a.m.-noon

  • Colin's Coffee
    3714 Riverside Drive Upper Arlington OH 43221

Saturday, May 7, 11 a.m. (after Coffee & Conversation)

  • Colin's Coffee
    3714 Riverside Drive Upper Arlington OH 43221
  • Upper Arlington Public Library, Main Library
    2800 Tremont Road, Upper Arlington, OH 43221 (Map)


There are many jobs in addition to door-to-door canvassing: Staffing tables at public sites, inviting neighbors to drop by and sign, you name it. Or you might help recruit petition carriers, organize volunteers, double-check petitions as they are handed in, or fill other needs.

Volunteer at .

Thank you for helping stop the extremists' attack on the middle class!

Time to RSVP to Coffee & Conversation

We were so pleased by the crowds at the first UAPA Coffee & Conversation events, but realized that meant a bigger place. So we found the First Community Village Chelsea Room.

Bring a friend and join special guest Dennis Willard to talk about the Democratic message on Saturday, May 7, 9-10:30 a.m.

Details and RSVP on the UAPA website.

See you May 7! (And afterward you can sign SB5 petitions at Colin's Coffee and the UA Tremont library.)

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