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SB5 training with Sherrod Brown May 14, 2011

SB5 repeal training and meeting with Sen. Sherrod Brown

Saturday, May 14

Home of George and Libby Kalbouss

1370 Wyandot Road, Grandview Heights, Ohio 43212

9 a.m. Brief training session on collecting signatures while canvassing

10 a.m. Meet with Sherrod Brown

Please RSVP: or 614-604-5722

Free and light refreshments


There are many jobs in addition to door-to-door canvassing: Staffing tables at public sites, inviting neighbors to drop by and sign, you name it. Or you might help recruit petition carriers, organize volunteers, double-check petitions as they are handed in, or fill other needs.

Volunteer at .

Thank you for helping stop the extremists' attack on the middle class!

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