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UAPA's Third Annual Garage Sale Slated for Saturday, August 8: Clear Out Clutter for a Cause

We need your gently used donations!

garage sale
Our third annual Community-Wide Garage Sale will be held August 8 at the same location as last year, Roy and Agnes Butler's home, 2174 Ridgeview Road, on the northwest corner of Ridgeview and Redding Roads.

This annual event provides some of the funds that keep UAPA strong and ready for the next challenge, as well as provide progressives like you with information, education about progressive politics, and the opportunity to socialize with like-minded friends and neighbors.

Please start emptying your attics, basements and garages for gently used items. Popular sellers are furniture, household items, sporting goods, working appliances, garden tools, and knick knacks. Children's furniture, accessories and large toys also go quickly. We won't accept any clothing because it just doesn't sell.

Start gathering donations today and, if necessary, we can pick up the items on August 7th. Please contact Jim Fronk at 488-1235 or email him at to arrange for pick up if necessary.

We will update you with more details, including the location of where to drop off items.

Hope to see you at our CLEAR OUT THE CLUTTER FOR A CAUSE event!

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