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2009 Events Archive

Events occuring during 2009, including elections.

Story Archive - 2009

Stories from 2009, including the fight for health care reform and the rise of the Tea Party


Upper Arlington Women's Club Hosts Frank Kass to Discuss Kingsdale Redevelopment

The Upper Arlington Women's Club invites members and guests (not limited to women) to attend a meeting with Frank Kass of Continental Real Estate who will discuss upcoming plans for Kingsdale redevelopment on Friday, April 3, from 1-2 p.m. at the Upper Arlington Municipal Building, 3600 Tremont Road.

Blackwater Founder Implicated in Murder



Rally for Comprehensive Health Care ReformThis Saturday

Join UAPA this Saturday at the State House!

statehouseJoin up with AFSCME and other partners this Saturday as we call on members of the Ohio Congressional delegation to support HR 3200, America's Affordable Health Choices Act as it comes to a vote in the House of Representatives next week.

Saturday, July 25, 2009, 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Ohio State House North Plaza

(Broad Street between High and Third)

Rallly Partners Include Progress Ohio, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), Council 8, Ohio Civil Service Employees Association (OCSEA), Ohio Association of Public School Employees (OAPSE), and AFSCME Retirees Chapter 1184.

For more information, contact Aryeh Alex at, or 513.478.5928

Ohioans call on Representatives Driehaus, Space, Boccieri and Tiberi to vote yes on HR 3200, America's Affordable Health Choices Act. The bill is a uniquely American solution to the health care crisis. HR 3200 includes the choice of a public health insurance plan that will compete with private insurance companies to keep them honest and lower costs.

UAPA's Third Annual Garage Sale Slated for Saturday, August 8: Clear Out Clutter for a Cause

We need your gently used donations!

Iraq: End of the beginning?

Today, U.S. troops withdrew from urban areas in Iraq. It is a momenteous moment, but hardly time to break out the champagne.

Yes, it signals a change in our involvement there. But, as Great Britain's Winston Churchill said when the London bombings ceased, "This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end, but it is the end of the beginning."

Electronic voting machines: Should feds get involved?

The New York Times is in support of requiring election boards to use electronic voting machines that use optical-scan voting. The Times notes, "With optical scans, voters fill out a paper ballot that is then read by computer — much like a standardized test." How do you think this bill would go over in Ohio?

Brunner answers questions

Q&A from UA Progressive Action Event

Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner spoke to a crowd of interested and informed voters April 30, 2009, at the Plumbers and Pipefitters Hall in Columbus.

Education Rally This Friday!


Governor Ted Strickland


US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan

this Friday at a rally for education reform in Ohio.


Friday, May 8th at 11:45 AM

The West Lawn of the Schottenstein Center

The Ohio State University

555 Borror Rd

Columbus, OH 43210 [directions]

Please RSV here.


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