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March Book Club News - Corporations Are Not People

Corporate Power Seminar

Corporate Power: The Legacy of Santa Clara

The legal precedent that led to the doctrine of corporate personhood.

Wednesday, April 20, noon

Saxbe Auditorium, Ohio State Moritz College of Law, 55 W. 12th Avenue, Columbus

Free and open to the public

Speakers and topics include:

- Corporate power and elections: Jennifer Brunner, attorney at Brunner Quinn and former Ohio Secretary of State;

- Santa Clara and the 14th Amendment: john a. powell, Williams Chair in Civil Rights & Civil Liberties at the Moritz College of Law and executive director of the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity at Ohio State;

- Corporate power and taxation: Wendy Patton, senior associate, Policy Matters Ohio; and

- Corporate power and privatization: Stephen Menendian, attorney/senior legal research associate, Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity.

Sponsor: Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity, The Ohio State University

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