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Fundraiser for Kilroy March 13

Saturday, March 13
3-4:30 PM

Fundraiser for Mary Jo Kilroy

15th Congressional District

Home of Mary Kuhner, 1507 Cardiff Rd., Columbus, OH 43221

Gold $100 Silver $50 Bronze $25

RSVP Lindsay at 614.545.4070 or lindsay.molnar@kilroyforcongress.

Kilroy Mobile Office Hours

Representatives from Rep. Mary Jo Kilroy’s staff will be available next Wednesday, March 3, 2010, from 4-6 pm at the Upper Arlington Public Library, Meeting Room B, 2800 Tremont Road, to resolve problems or answer questions they may have about federal departments, agencies, or services.

Kilroy Brunch -- March 28, 2010

Sunday Brunch with Mary Jo Kilroy

Gourmet food and great conversation

Sunday, March 28, 2010

11 a.m.-3 p.m.

RSVP for location: 614-545-4070 or

Suggested contributions

Platinum $250

Gold $100

Silver $50



Join The Honorable Kathleen Sebelius in Support of U.S. Representative Mary Jo Kilroy this Thursday, August 19

Please join

The Honorable Kathleen Sebelius

Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services

in support of our Congresswoman


U.S. Representative Mary Jo Kilroy


this Thursday, August 19

5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Memorial Day Parade, Grandview Heights

Grandview Memorial Day Parade down West First Avenue
Saturday, May 29 - 9 am
Cambridge and 3rd in Grandview (map)
Parade route is west on 1st to Oxley

Support Ted Celeste and Mary Jo Kilroy.

Wear your Ted Celeste T-Shirt and join us in standing up for Ted's positive campaign for the 24th District.

Walk with Mary Jo Kilroy in support of her vote in favor of healthcare reform and her reelection to the 15th Congressional District.

Celeste RSVP. Need a Celeste T-Shirt? Contact

To march with the Kilroy campaign, bring your Kilroy t-shirt. Kilroy RSVP Katie DeCarlo, or 258-4167.

Rebecca Pronsky concert for Kilroy July 27, 2010

Concert for Mary Jo Kilroy

Tuesday, July 27, 6-9 p.m.
Woodland's Tavern, 1200 West Third Avenue, Grandview, OH
$35/person or $50/couple

Come one and all to support Congresswoman Mary Jo Kilroy, and enjoy music by Rebecca Pronsky (western country-pop) with The Miller-Kelton Band. Also Paul Painter (cowboy hillbilly hippie folk). More info on Rebecca: or

Volunteer to reelect Kilroy

Help return Kilroy to Washington

Kilroy for Congress has opportunities every day to help get Mary Jo reelected. A phone bank gets started around 5 p.m. Monday-Friday at the campaign office at 747 Chambers Road. And you can canvas every weekend, starting around 11 a.m. Saturday and Sunday. Call 614-545-4070 or sign up online.

Kilroy seeks volunteers

Want to volunteer for the Mary Jo Kilroy campaign? Sign up for the e-mail list here:

Join the Kilroy campaign after work to stuff weekly mailings and do follow-up phone calls for houseparties and other events with Mary Jo. Details in the newsletter.


3rd Annual Salsa Party for Mary Jo Kilroy


Please join us for a night of Salsa music and dancing in support of

Mary Jo Kilroy

Representative from Ohio’s 15th Congressional District


3rd Annual Salsa Party – Thursday, February 19th at BoMA
583 East Broad St., Columbus, OH 43215
Sponsor Reception: 5:30 pm General Reception: 6:00 pm Music: 7:00 – 8:00 pm
Contribution Levels:

DailyKos 2006: Independent Voices: Friends and Neighbors 15th District Ohio

Independent Voices: Friends and Neighbors 15th District Ohio

Sat Oct 21, 2006 at 10:52:23 AM PST

Upper Arlington Progressive Action (UAPA) is a grassroots political action committee based in Upper Arlington, Ohio a historically Republican suburb of Columbus. What began as "UA For Kerry" in 2004 has grown and become UAPA, Upper Arlington Progressive Action.
Founded by six women in May of 2004, UA for Kerry worked tirelessly toward the defeat of George Bush. A rally held in mid-June, 2004, drew over 500 individuals who listened to speeches, collected literature and donated thousands of dollars to the fledging effort. Clearly the group was fulfilling an unmet need in the traditionally Republican and conservative community.

In the last two years, the organization grew to number over 2,000 people receiving the email newsletter and roughly 40 individuals taking on leadership roles and positions of responsibility. UAPA has received local, national and even international media coverage.

My first diary ever told of how the UA For Kerry group made a difference in the 2004 elections: Ohio Suburbs, One Town's Inspiring Story.

They're still making a difference.

Today, UAPA Volunteers are walking and talking to their neighbors and distributing the following video (again made entirely by volunteers) on mini DVD's throughout the community.

I highly recommend you take the time to view this message.

Independent Voices:
Friends and Neighbors 15th District Ohio


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