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Support the Roll-Out of the ACA (aka 'Obamacare')

ProgressOhio is promoting some activities to support the 'Obamacare' roll-out that begins on October 1, 2013, the first day that individuals can sign up and enroll for health insurance through the health care exchanges.

ProgressOhio Needs Our Help!

ProgressOhio logo

UAPA wants to see ProgressOhio continue to provide activist tools, information and strategies to move Ohio forward, but in an off year there is less funding for this essential progressive infrastructure. UAPA has made a $1,000 donation and some of our members have added another $200. Will you match us? Make a one-time or recurring donation online or send checks to 172 E. State St., 6th Floor Columbus, OH 43215.

UAPA issue endorsements

Here's a summary of UAPA's position on ballot issues 1, 2, 5 and 6:

  • Issue 1: Vote YES.
  • Issue 2: Vote YES.
  • Issue 5: Vote YES.
  • Issue 6: Vote NO.

ProgressOhio has conveniently deciphered the ballot issues and summarized them in a one page document. And here's a sample ballot of endorsed Democratic candidates to print and take with you to the polls.

UAPA's positions on the ballot issues align closely with those of the editors from Ohio's largest daily newspapers:

Newspaper or blog Ohio Issue 1 Ohio Issue 2 Ohio Issue 3 Ohio Issue 5/Payday loans Ohio Issue 6/Casino
Akron Beacon Journal - - - Yes No
Cincinnati Enquirer Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Cleveland Plain Dealer Yes Yes - Yes No
Columbus Dispatch Yes Yes Yes Yes No
The Courier - Findlay Yes Yes - - No
Canton Repository Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Dayton Daily News Yes Yes - Yes No
Mansfield NewsJournal Yes Yes Yes Yes  
Newark Advocate - - - No -
Toledo Blade Yes Yes No Yes No
Youngstown Vindicator - Yes - Yes No
Zanesville Times Recorder Yes Yes Yes Yes No


And here's the our rationale for our positions:

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