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2013 Election

Story Archive - 2013

Stories occurring during 2013, including UA City Council and School Board elections (Carol Mohr won a seat on the School Board).

Vote Tomorrow!

Vote on Tuesday, November 5th. Local races and issues affect all of us more than we may realize.

Franklin County Democratic Party endorsements for your information.

Poll workers needed

Want to be where the action is on Election Day, Nov. 5? The Franklin County Board of Elections is recruiting Democratic poll workers in Hilliard, Dublin, and Worthington. Registered Dems can sign up at 614.525.5393 or by completing an online application.

UAPA September Newsletter

This month's newsletter features:

This Wednesday's (September 25) meeting with administrators from UA Schools. Find out more about the status and prospects of the schools, including the replacement levy, Issue 52.

Our members, Carolyn Casper and Carol Mohr who are running for UA City Council and the UA School Board.

Book Club selections for September, Reducing Gun Violence in America and October, Citizenville.

If you didn't receive a copy, subscribe.

Carolyn Casper for Upper Arlington City Council

Carolyn Casper photoMeet Carolyn Casper, who is running for UA City Council. Carolyn is passionate about Upper Arlington and is very familiar with Council and how it works. She is an interested UA citizen who regularly attends Council meetings to keep informed about its operation and effectiveness. 

Carolyn is a UA native with strong ties to the community. She raised three daughters in Arlington as a single parent. UA has been home to her family for 60 years, and the Casper family has a long history of service to this community. 

Carolyn is a former state examiner with the Ohio Auditor's Office and was a Social Program Administrator with the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services. She is an ardent advocate for our schools, having served on many committees over the years, introducing the Child Assault Program to the UA schools and serving on PTO boards at all levels.

Along with three other women, Carolyn raised private funds for the beautification of the front of the High School. She also served on the committee that raised money to build the new football stadium. She has worked on every school levy campaign for the last 30 years. Carolyn is a graduate of Leadership UA and currently serves on the board as well as serving on the board of the UA Alumni Association.

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