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Celebrate the 41st Anniversary of Roe v. Wade

Join NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio Foundation and their coalition partners, Freedom of Choice Ohio and National Council of Jewish Women-Columbus Section, on Tuesday, January 28, 2014 to celebrate the 41st anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision.

Catholics for Obama: a culture of life, not just birth

Catholics for Obama has found common ground on the single most divisive issue in American politics today: abortion.

Their booklet, 'The Catholic Case for Obama', is an expose on Obama's core values and how he put them into practice as a community organizer working with Catholic parishes on the south side of Chicago.

They tackle the big questions head on:

  • Reducing abortion now vs. criminalizing it later
  • Stem cell research and the origins of life
  • On the death penalty
  • On the question of health care for all Americans
  • On the question of preemptive war and the tragedy in Iraq

Here's their abortion stance in a nutshell:

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