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Ohio Democratic Party

Ohio Dem's St. Paddy's reception March 16, 2010

Ohio Democratic Party Pre St.Patrick's Day Reception

Tuesday, March 16
7-8:30 PM
Windows on the River, 2000 Sycamore Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44113

Special Guests include:
Governor Ted Strickland, Lt. Governor Candidate Yvette McGee Brown, Treasurer Kevin L. Boyce, Secretary of State Candidate Maryellen O'Shaughnessy, Auditor Candidate David Pepper and Speaker of the House Armond Budish

Bridgette Tupes

Democratic Women's Caucus March 2

Tuesday March 2
5:30-7 p.m.
The Central Ohio Democratic Women's Caucus Meeting

Location: Ohio Democratic Party, 340 East Fulton St, Columbus, Ohio 43215

General meeting for all Central Ohio democratic women. Meet with women candidates and ODWC Executive Director Erin Upchurch. Plans for the statewide conference will be discussed.

Keena M. Smith,Chair, Central OH Democratic Women's Caucus.........CODWC is on-line @ Facebook

Coffee & Conversation, new location!

By popular demand! Coffee & Conversation will meet in a roomier location.

First Community Village Chelsea House
1800 Riverside Drive
Directions: enter at Waltham Road and follow the signs to Chelsea House
Saturday, May 7, 2011
9-10:30 a.m.
Plenty of parking! Private meeting room!

Special guest: Dennis Willard
Media and public relations consultant for the Ohio Democratic Party

Do you feel conservatives always control the narrative? Are you hoping and progressives develop a clear message for the 2012 election? Meet Dennis Willard, who will tell us how Democrats are already taking charge of the dialogue.

Please RSVP so we have enough coffee, tea and light refreshments. Just click on the "Coffee & Converation, new location!" headline above.

ODP Legacy Dinner - Saturday, March 19, 2011

Ohio Democratic Party Legacy Dinner
Honoring Governor Ted Strickland
Saturday, March 19
Columbus Renaissance, 50 N. Third St., Columbus 43215
5 p.m. Private reception
6 p.m. General reception
6:30 p.m. Dinner and program
$1,000 Individual Sponsor
$500 Host
$75 Dinner Ticket
Contact: Melissa Hedden, or 614-481-9455


Dinner with DNC chair Tim Kaine Aug. 7, 2010

Ohio Democratic Party Annual State Dinner

with Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine

Saurday, Aug. 7
Time TBA
Columbus Convention Center, 400 North High Street, Columbus, OH 43215-2099


Information on dinner or pre-dinner receptions: 614-341-6911 or

Democrats – with your help – have mounted a furious four-year comeback since 2006. Now, the 2010 elections represent our chance to both lock in these gains for the next decade and begin a new era of opportunity, optimism, and progressive policy in Ohio.

Calling all women

Ohio Women voted 54% for Al Gore in 2000 but only 50% for John Kerry in 2004. That was the difference in the election.


The Ohio Democratic Party is undertaking a targeted postcard initiative to reach at least 118,000 persuadable women voters who are soft-Republican and Independent voters likely to have children. It's up to us to talk to these women about why we are voting for Barack Obama and Joe Biden and the rest of the Democratic ticket this year.

Democrats far outnumber Republicans

Friday, August 22, 2008

By Darrel Rowland and Mark Niquette


As Ohio Democrats pack for their national convention in Denver next week, they have quietly rolled up an advantage that almost no one has noticed: nearly a million more registered voters than Republicans.

Almost three times as many Ohio voters have become Democrats as have become Republicans since the summer before the last presidential election.

Read the full story.



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