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Katy Shanahan

Interested in Redistricting in 2021? Learn More.

Back in 2015, Ohioans passed a new process for redistricting state districts; in 2018, we passed a (slightly different) process for Congressional districts. Now, in 2021 we have the opportunity to put these processes into action. Find out more about how redistricting works and what you can do to make sure we have the fairest districts possible.

Finally Killing the Gerrymander? How Ohio’s New Redistricting Rules Work

In 2015 and 2018, more than 70% of Ohioans amended Ohio’s Constitution to reform the rules used to create state and Congressional districts. Next year, after the Census, we will finally implement these rules to draw the districts which will be used for the next 10 years! Join UAPA for a presentation on how the new rules will work and what we need to do to ensure that districts are fairly drawn.


Professor Richard Gunther, who was involved in the negotiations that led to the Ohio reforms

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