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2010 Election

Roots Camp March 6, 2010

Saturday, March 6

Roots Camp Ohio 2010
8:30 AM, opening session is at 9:30 AM

Location: Ohio Civil Service Employees Association, 390 Worthington Rd. Ste. A, Westerville, OH

Ohioans talking with Ohioans. Open dialogue between Ohio’s activists, field organizers, leaders, techies, fundraisers, bloggers. Building organization and sustainability in Ohio's growing progressive movement

Sponsored by Progress Ohio

Registration required. Space is limited.

Ohio Dem's St. Paddy's reception March 16, 2010

Ohio Democratic Party Pre St.Patrick's Day Reception

Tuesday, March 16
7-8:30 PM
Windows on the River, 2000 Sycamore Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44113

Special Guests include:
Governor Ted Strickland, Lt. Governor Candidate Yvette McGee Brown, Treasurer Kevin L. Boyce, Secretary of State Candidate Maryellen O'Shaughnessy, Auditor Candidate David Pepper and Speaker of the House Armond Budish

Bridgette Tupes

Johnson campaign kickoff March 3

Campaign Kickoff - Star Johnson State Senate 3rd District

Wednesday, March 3rd
11 AM

Location: Outside the Statehouse on High St.

Feeding the Homeless on High

Feeding 100 homeless people on High St. at the Statehouse. Donations are being accepted. Call 614-546-8041 for info.

Event for Pepper March 3, 2010

Wednesday, March 3
6:00 PM
Event for David Pepper candidate for State Auditor

Hosts: Mayor Coleman, John O'Grady, and Andy Ginther

Venue at Smith Brothers
580 N. 4th St.
Columbus, OH 4321

Democratic Women's Caucus March 2

Tuesday March 2
5:30-7 p.m.
The Central Ohio Democratic Women's Caucus Meeting

Location: Ohio Democratic Party, 340 East Fulton St, Columbus, Ohio 43215

General meeting for all Central Ohio democratic women. Meet with women candidates and ODWC Executive Director Erin Upchurch. Plans for the statewide conference will be discussed.

Keena M. Smith,Chair, Central OH Democratic Women's Caucus.........CODWC is on-line @ Facebook

Terry Brown birthday March 18, 2010

Birthday Celebration for Terry Brown for County Auditor

Thursday, March 18
5:30 PM - 7:30 p.m.
Bar Louie, 504 Park St., Columbus, OH 43215

Suggested $50, Young Dems $10

"Equality" art opening March 12, 2010

"Themes of Equality" Art Opening and Community Reception

Alternative Spring Break Reception

Friday, March 12
6-8 pm

Borders-Sawmill, 6670 Sawmill Rd., Columbus, OH 43235

Join The Honorable Kathleen Sebelius in Support of U.S. Representative Mary Jo Kilroy this Thursday, August 19

Please join

The Honorable Kathleen Sebelius

Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services

in support of our Congresswoman


U.S. Representative Mary Jo Kilroy


this Thursday, August 19

5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Join UAPA for a BLUE BRUNCH - 2010

Join UAPA and the Host Committee

Jeff and Carol Folkerth Melodee Kornacker

Phill and Jo Fulton William and Kathy Panning

Patricia Hadler Bill and Renee Shkurti

Herb and Melissa Hedden Barbara Sokol


for a

Blue Brunch

Sunday, September 12, 2010 - 11:30 am to 2:30 pm







in support of
Governor Ted Strickland and Yvette McGee Brown
Saturday, October 30
3:45 to 5:15 p.m.
Local 413/ 555 East Rich Street, Columbus


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