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2011 Election

Story Archive - 2011

2011 events and elections, including the petition drives against SB 5 (worker's rights), HB 194 (voter suppression laws) and issues surrounding redistricting (HB 319).

2011 Events Archive

Covers events such as the SB 5 repeal (union-busting), petition drives to repeal HB 194 (voter suppresssion) and HB 319 (redistricting), local elections, and other 2011 political events.

New school immunizations? BANNED! The Unintended Consequences of Issue 3

Ohio's Issue 3 (more info below) is a disaster waiting to happen and current polling shows it passing on November 8th by wide margin. Unless you help get the word out.

Every major Ohio newspaper has come out against Ohio Issue 3 even traditionally conservative papers that endorsed Issue 2.

Van Jones coming to Columbus for 'Rock the Repeal'

Rock the Repeal

November 3, 2011, 6 pm - 8 pm

Plumbers and Pipefitters Hall, 1250 Kinnear Road, Columbus, OH 43212

The American Dream Movement is flexing its muscle in Ohio, and Van Jones is coming to Columbus to be a part of it. This Thursday, November 3, we're gonna Rock the Repeal of Senate Bill 5 and restore the voice of hard-working, middle-class Ohioans in their workplaces by voting "No" on Issue 2.

Learn More About Issue 22 and Why You Should Vote Yes

The Franklin County Board of Developmental Disabilities has a replacement levy on the November 8, 2011 ballot. Money raised by the levy will help maintain the basic services for children and adults in Franklin County who have developmental disabilities.

Programs at risk if Issue 22 doesn't pass include Adult and Child Behavioral Support, Dual Diagnosis Clinics, Early Intervention and Early Childhood Education Programs. Also at risk is supported living, and job and home-based training and transportation.

Vote NO on Issues 1, 2 & 3

Why You Should Vote No on Issue 1

SB5 petition drive training April 26!

Come and get 'em! Petitions to get SB5 repealed!

Tuesday, April 26

7 p.m.

Upper Arlington Public Library, Main Library, Meeting Room B (downstairs)

2800 Tremont Road, Upper Arlington, OH 43221 (Map)

Collect signatures to put the repeal of SB5 on the November ballot!

Last petition training session!

Sign up to fight SB5!

Last training session on how to collect signatures to get repeal on the November ballot.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

7-8:45 p.m.

Theater, Upper Arlington Public Library, 2800 Tremont Road, Upper Arlington, OH 43221 (Map)

Can't canvass? We still have lots of jobs for you to do. Contact

Reception: Coleman for Columbus

In Support of Columbus Mayor Mike Coleman

Sunday, April 10, 2011

4-6 p.m.

Cementos Italian Restaurant, 1940 W. Henderson Road, Columbus 43220 (NOTE: This is a corrected address)

$150 Suggested Supporter Donation

$50 Suggested Friend Donation

(Checks made out to: Coleman for Columbus)

RSVP: 614-221-1999 or hcolby@colemantcampaignlcom

Daily SB5 Rallies

SB5 Rallies
Daily, March 29-31, 2011
9 a.m.-2 and 4-6 p.m.
Ohio Statehouse, Downtown Columbus, Ohio


The most direct attack on Ohio’s middle class in a generation, SB5, is scheduled to go up for a vote this Tuesday. Progress Ohio is calling for Families and workers from across Ohio will be out in force at the Statehouse West Lawn on Tuesday-Thursday, March 29-31, each day from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. and 4-6 p.m.

They will show our lawmakers Ohioans will not be silenced and will not have rights taken away.

Remember, these are outside events so please dress accordingly. Consider bringing your own food and water or be prepared to buy them from local businesses.


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