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HB 194

Story Archive - 2011

2011 events and elections, including the petition drives against SB 5 (worker's rights), HB 194 (voter suppression laws) and issues surrounding redistricting (HB 319).

2011 Events Archive

Covers events such as the SB 5 repeal (union-busting), petition drives to repeal HB 194 (voter suppresssion) and HB 319 (redistricting), local elections, and other 2011 political events.

Help Stop Voter Suppression in Ohio

Roughly 30 days from now House Bill 194 is supposed to go into effect. This bill, passed by the Republican controlled Ohio Generalsign Assembly, can seriously impact the Democrats chances of retaining the White House and the Senate seat held by Sherrod Brown.  Issues with the bill:

• It reduces the number of days that mail-in absentee voting can occur before the election from 35 days to 21.

UAPA is rolling up our sleeves this fall!


Help Fight Voter Suppression in Ohio!

The Ohio Democratic Party and allied groups are in the beginning stages of an effort to repeal House Bill 194 -- the Republican voter suppression bill -- which makes it harder for Ohioans to vote and makes fewer votes count. In Franklin County, for instance, four out of ten voters would be impacted by House Bill 194.
Here's some of what the Republican voter suppression bill does:
1. Dramatically shortens the number of early voting days -- disproportionately impacting working people.

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