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Sherrod Brown Reelection (Senate)

We have a wonderful, fearless, progressive Senator in Sherrod Brown. Despite being attacked by right-wing PACs and other groups with millions in ad-buys, he is still ahead in the polls--and we need to keep him in office.

For more information, vist the Sherrod Brown reelection website.

Consider making a donation to support Sherrod.

Like Sherrod on Facebook.

Women's Organizing Convention

The Ohio Democratic Party Women's Organizing Convention

this Saturday, January 12 - Sunday, January 13

at the New Ohio Democratic Party Headquarters

go to for more information

Power of Place: Historical Perspective on Ohio as a Political Battleground

Thursday, November 15, 2007, 7 PM – Brief reception to follow

O'Shaughnessey speaks March 2, 2010

Tuesday, March 2nd - 6:30-7:30pm
Stonewall Democrats of Central Ohio
271 E. State St. (2nd floor), Columbus

O'Grady St. Patrick's fundraiser March 4, 2010

Thursday, March 4
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
O'Grady St. Patrick's Day Event

Irish Fare and drink. Shamrock Club, 60 W. Castle Rd., Columbus, OH 43207

$250 Sponsor - $50 Friend

RSVP or 614.221.8476

Recruit volunteers March 2 and 4

Volunteer Recruitment Phone Bank

Tuesday, March 2, and Thursday, March 4

4-8:30 PM

Ohio Democratic Party, 340 East Fulton St,Columbus, OH 43215

Call volunteers from 2008 and urge them to join us in 2010. These calls allow us to build strength for the coordinated campaign and recruit new members for the grassroots clubs.
RSVP, John Parker,Regional Field Director Franklin, Union and Madison counties. (614) 270-9439

Next Generation Democrats Summit March 6, 2010

Saturday, March 6
Summit: 11:00 am – 4:00 pm
Evening Mixer: 7:00 – 9:00 pm

The Inaugural "Next Generation Democrats" Summit

Roots Camp March 6, 2010

Saturday, March 6

Roots Camp Ohio 2010
8:30 AM, opening session is at 9:30 AM

Location: Ohio Civil Service Employees Association, 390 Worthington Rd. Ste. A, Westerville, OH

Ohioans talking with Ohioans. Open dialogue between Ohio’s activists, field organizers, leaders, techies, fundraisers, bloggers. Building organization and sustainability in Ohio's growing progressive movement

Sponsored by Progress Ohio

Registration required. Space is limited.

Ohio Dem's St. Paddy's reception March 16, 2010

Ohio Democratic Party Pre St.Patrick's Day Reception

Tuesday, March 16
7-8:30 PM
Windows on the River, 2000 Sycamore Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44113

Special Guests include:
Governor Ted Strickland, Lt. Governor Candidate Yvette McGee Brown, Treasurer Kevin L. Boyce, Secretary of State Candidate Maryellen O'Shaughnessy, Auditor Candidate David Pepper and Speaker of the House Armond Budish

Bridgette Tupes


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