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Ten Years of UAPA Book Club Books

UAPA has had a book club for over 10 years! Take a look at the books we have read over that time. Add to your books to be read list.

Also consider joining us. Sign up to receive notifications and Zoom links when appropriate.


UAPA Book Club Books



2020 UAPA Accomplishments

UAPA, with the help of our members and friends, provided a tremendous amount of support to our efforts to turn Franklin County and Ohio blue. Unfortunately, all our efforts didn't result in Ohio voting the way we would have wished, with the exception of Jennifer Brunner's victory in the Supreme Court race. In Franklin County, we had much better results with Gary Tyack becoming the new Franklin County Prosecutor and 10 of 10 judges winning their races.

Post-Holiday Party Invitation

Sign up for the UAPA Newsletter!

We publish an e-mail newsletter. It comes out about once a month usually, but more often when there are more events, elections, calls for action and exciting opportunities. If you are interested in:

  • what the book club is reading,
  • social events,
  • calls to action - to resist a policy, or support candidates and causes, fundraisers
  • volunteer opportunites - postcard parties, canvassing, house parties,
  • swag - yard signs, bumper stickers, t-shirts,

sign up here!

15th Anniversary Blue Brunch, September 8, 2019

Invitation to 2019 Blue BrunchIn the fall of 2010, UAPA held its first annual Blue Brunch.  It was a progressive dinner hosted by three UAPA members. Now, we hope to have a celebratory Blue Brunch for our 15th Anniversary!

Book Club

Because of the really cold weather on the date scheduled for January's Book Club, the January book (Becoming by Michelle Obama) was rescheduled for March and subsequent books were moved back a month. There is no February Book Club scheduled. See our events here and on our Facebook page for specifics.

Registration Open for 2017 Blue Brunch

Tim Ryan photoJoin your fellow progressives, Democratic officeholders and candidates for a delicious Sunday brunch and silent auction.

This year we are featuring special guest, Tim Ryan, OH-13.

Gerrymandered Map T-Shirts (Still) Available!

T-shirts Remain on sale through September 30, 2017. Order yours now!

Action Item - Distribute Sample Ballots During Early Vote (October 12 to November 7)

Are you still looking for something to do when you aren’t canvassing or phonebanking for Democratic candidates?  UAPA needs you to help pass out sample ballots at the Early Vote Center, 1700 Morse Road.  For the past several elections, Jody Scarbrough and Carole Depaola have coordinated a program to pass out cards listing candidates endorsed by the Franklin County Democratic Party.  Volunteers are needed to ask people on their way in to vote if they would like a Democratic sample ballot.  That is all!  However, this program requires many volunteers.

UAPA's October Month of Action

Have you been looking for some practical actions to take this election season? Have we got some opportunities for you! Volunteer to work with UAPA on some fun ways to support our local Democratic candidates!

Voter Registration at Gallery Hop
Sign up to spend a couple of hours registering people to vote. The last day to register is October 11th. After a brief orientation, walk around the Gallery Hop and sign people up. It's easy and fun.

Saturday, October 1
4:00 – 6:00 pm


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