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Tim Ryan Reception on October 6th

Join Tim Ryan, Candidate for Senate, and friends for an evening fundraising reception on Thursday, October 6, 2022 at 6:00 PM. Location given when you RSVP.

Show You Care About Women with a Yard Sign!

For delivery in Upper Arlington and surrounding areas only.  We’re sorry, but we do not ship.

Yard signs are 16” X 26" and come with a sturdy metal U stake and have a union bug. Requesting $5.00 per sign; for $10.00 per sign, we will replace of stolen or destroyed signs.

UAPA Community Picnic on September 25th

Annual UAPA Community Picnic

When:      Sunday, September 25th, 2022

Where:     Reed Road Shelter House,  3855 Reed Rd, 43220

Time:       12:00 noon until 2:00 pm

    Join UAPA for the ReSisters presentation of the 2022 Courage of Conviction Awards

    When times get tough one can lose sight of the patriotism revealed in the day-to-day work accomplished by leaders and activists. The people who win some battles but lose too many and yet get up and work even harder the next day: thus, the genesis of the ReSisters of Central Ohio Courage of Conviction Awards.

    UAPA 2022 Food Drive -- Extended to February 12th

    UAPA (in conjunction with Organizing for UA and Columbus NW Blues) is collecting  food for the Smokey Row Food Pantry. In addition to canned goods and other shelf-stable items, the food bank requests baby wipes and diapers (especially sized 4 and 5).

    Drop off your contributions at the following addresses between January 17th and February 11th:

    5055 Francisco Place
    2280 Canterbury Road - side door porch
    2000 Malvern Road
    4347 Castleton Road
    4284 Braunton Road

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