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May Membership Meeting Report - Mike Curtin and the News Revolution

UAPA Membership Meeting
May 22, 2012, 7pm,
Upper Arlington Public Library, Little Theater.

Speaker: Mike Curtin, former editor of the Columbus Dispatch

The second edition of my book The Ohio Politics Almanac is available. Please support Maureen Reedy for the 24th House District. I’m running for the 17th House District. It is a walking poster for redistricting reform. Redistricting is at the root of so many problems we have in this state.

Learn about "The News Revolution" at the next UAPA Meeting on May 22

Come Hear Our Special Guest Speaker Mike Curtin!

Join UAPA at our next monthly membership meeting on Tuesday, May 22, 2012 at the main Upper Arlington Public Library, Friends Theater Downstairs, 2800 Tremont Road from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Our guest speaker is Mike Curtin, the former editor, associate publisher and COO of The Columbus Dispatch

GOP Agenda-Driven Journalism

The Jed Report put together this video mashup of WFTV's Barbara West, giving us a nice side-by-side contrast of her respective interviews with Joe Biden and John McCain.

As it turns out, Barbara West is a registered Republican and Barbara's husband, Wade West, is a Republican Media Consultant.

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