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Columbus Dispatch

Letter to the Editor - Redistribution would not hurt the wealthy

Letter to the Editor published in the Columbus Dispatch on May 14, 2015

Letter to the Editor - Reducing income tax favors wealthy

Letter to the Editor - Insurers Worry About Climate Change

Letter to the Editor

Columbus Dispatch

July 16, 2013

If the front page of today’s Dispatch doesn’t convince everyone that Climate Change is real, I don’t know what will.

In your story titled “Deductibles added for wind, hale [sic] damage” you explain why home insurance companies are beginning to charge Ohio homeowners more for damage caused by wind and hail.  But there are no increased charges for fire or theft claims.

Letter to the Editor - Money and Politics

Columbus Dispatch
June 19, 2013

Defending his vote against universal background checks for gun purchases, Senator Rob Portman is quoted in today’s Dispatch, (6/19, page A15), saying “We want to do things that are actually going to help.”

The obvious question is: “Help who?”

According to the organization ‘Mayors Against Illegal Guns’ Senator Portman received $1,314,279 in campaign donations from the gun manufacturers.  Certainly his vote helped them.

Letter to the Editor - AG calls for discrimination by bosses

AG calls for discrimination by bosses

I see that Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine wants to allow private employers to deny their workers access to birth control based on the bosses’ religious beliefs (“DeWine backs wider religious exemption,” Dispatch article, Saturday).

Letter to the Editor - Many Don't Get Misinformation

Should Ohio voters approve State Issue 2?

Yes: Plan would help make drawing of legislative districts more fair

By  Jack D’Aurora

Columbus Dispatch, October 15, 2012

Issue 2 is taking a lot of heat. It calls for replacing the apportionment board — the governor, state auditor, secretary of state and two members of the legislature — with a nonpartisan commission to draw state legislative and congressional districts. Is Issue 2 as bad as the critics say?

The commission would consist of 12 members and be re-established after each federal 10-year census. Anyone who, within 10 years of applying to be a member, served as a federal or state official, or was an employee of the Ohio legislature or U.S. Congress, or was a state agency director or paid lobbyist, is ineligible. The same goes for anyone who, within five years of applying, was a political candidate, campaign consultant, political party employee or made more than $5,000 in political contributions in a two year period.

Read more at the Columbus Dispatch.


May Membership Meeting Report - Mike Curtin and the News Revolution

UAPA Membership Meeting
May 22, 2012, 7pm,
Upper Arlington Public Library, Little Theater.

Speaker: Mike Curtin, former editor of the Columbus Dispatch

The second edition of my book The Ohio Politics Almanac is available. Please support Maureen Reedy for the 24th House District. I’m running for the 17th House District. It is a walking poster for redistricting reform. Redistricting is at the root of so many problems we have in this state.

Learn about "The News Revolution" at the next UAPA Meeting on May 22

Come Hear Our Special Guest Speaker Mike Curtin!

Join UAPA at our next monthly membership meeting on Tuesday, May 22, 2012 at the main Upper Arlington Public Library, Friends Theater Downstairs, 2800 Tremont Road from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Our guest speaker is Mike Curtin, the former editor, associate publisher and COO of The Columbus Dispatch

Dispatch features lead op-ed pieces from UAPA members




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