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UAPA Community Picnic on September 25th

Annual UAPA Community Picnic

When:      Sunday, September 25th, 2022

Where:     Reed Road Shelter House,  3855 Reed Rd, 43220

Time:       12:00 noon until 2:00 pm

    Candidates by District

    Your source for information about state and national candidates. Links lead off-site.

    Current Ohio House members

    Current Ohio Senate members

    US House of Representatives

    US Senate

    Candidates (current)

    2012 Election

    Thank you for visiting UAPA's 2012 Election Headquarters.  This portion of the site is UAPA's effort to stay connected with the campaigns not only in Upper Arlington, but also around Columbus, the state of Ohio, and the campaign to reelect our President Barack Obama.

    2008 County and State Candidates

    UAPA is providing a list of Franklin County and Ohio races. Democratic candidates running for partisan office Nov. 4, 2008, are listed. The party of candidates for non-partisan races is not included. Candidates' official Web sites are linked wherever possible, but sometimes the only information available is a Columbus Dispatch endorsement or article.

    Representative to Congress, 15th District

    Video: UA City Council Candidates Lunch Forum

    One source of candidate position information is the Chamber of Commerce's City Council Candidates Lunch Forum held on Thursday, October 11. This year the moderator asked some tough questions and got at least a few substantive answers. For the benefit of those that could not attend, the forum was captured on video and posted on the web. [link no longer available]

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