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Democratic Sample Ballot

Action Item - Distribute Sample Ballots During Early Vote (October 12 to November 7)

Are you still looking for something to do when you aren’t canvassing or phonebanking for Democratic candidates?  UAPA needs you to help pass out sample ballots at the Early Vote Center, 1700 Morse Road.  For the past several elections, Jody Scarbrough and Carole Depaola have coordinated a program to pass out cards listing candidates endorsed by the Franklin County Democratic Party.  Volunteers are needed to ask people on their way in to vote if they would like a Democratic sample ballot.  That is all!  However, this program requires many volunteers.

Sample Democratic Ballot Now Available!

It is important that we vote not only for state-wide candidates, but all the way down the ballot, including judges.

Please note, early voting begins on September 30th and you can still register until October 6, 2014. That means you can register and vote at the same time during "golden week" from September 30th through October 6th.

2014 Democratic Sample Ballot

The Most Effective Election Tool: Sample Ballots

We Need Your Help to Distribute the Democratic Sample Ballot During the Five Weeks of Early Voting Starting October 2. 

In 2008, over 55,000 Franklin County residents voted early and in person.  We can make a measurable difference for Sherrod Brown, Maureen Reedy , Issue 2, and many more candidates and issues we care about, if we can hand a Democratic Sample Ballot to voters before they step in front of the voting booth.  With a sample ballot, they'll know who the endorsed candidates and issues are.  Please consider volunteering for one or more, three hour shifts during the Early Vote period.  Read on to find out more. E-mail with the days and times you are available. 
Download a sample ballot today! 2012 Franklin County Sample Democratic Ballot.pdf



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