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2007 Election

Story Archive - 2007

Stories from 2007

2007 Events Archive

Events held during 2007, including 2007 elections.

Candidates' Night 2007

Leadership UA is proud to host its "Meet the candidates night" on Wednesday, October 24, from 7-9 p.m., 3600 Tremont Road.

Want to hear answers to these questions?:

  • What is your vision for Kingsdale?
  • How do you plan to solve the overcrowding at UA's basketball facilities and indoor swimming pools?
  • What is your answer to overcrowding at the Senior Center and where can Life and Leisure classes meet?
  • What have you learned from the church purchase failure?
  • What role do you see City Council taking in making changes within the schools?
  • Is the Council empowered to interfere with the school system in any way?
  • How do you propose to make UA Green?
  • How should appointments be made to boards and commissions?
  • Are UA citizens safer because of the sexual predator legislation passed this year?
  • What is your opinion on privatizing trash pick up?
  • What is the best way to lobby City Council?

The evening includes details on the pending Schools levy, a chance to hear from and ask questions of the three School Board candidiates (for three seats) and the five City Council candidates (for three seats). Call 487-8131 for additional details.

UA City Council Candidates Forum

The five candidates for Upper Arlington City Council will present their positions and answer questions during a special Chamber luncheon forum on Thursday, October 11.

The candidates, Ed Seidel, Mary Ann Krauss, Dan McCormick, Erik Yassenoff, and Leslie Heath, all have agreed to participate in the forum, which will be held at Arlington Banquets & Conference Center, 1967 W. Henderson Road, beginning at 11:15 a.m. The event is sponsored by The Forum at Knightsbridge.

Chamber member David Kandel will moderate the discussion, which will include prepared questions from the Chamber’s Business Advocacy Committee as well as questions from the audience.

Attendance is open to Chamber members and non-members. The cost is $20 for members and their guests who register by October 8, and $25 for all others.

The five candidates are running for three vacant City Council seats. The election will be held Tuesday, November 6.

For more information about the luncheon or to make reservations, call the Chamber office at (614) 481-5710, e-mail your registration to or visit

The beginning of a more productive City Council?

Table 1: Progressive voters made the difference. Only 1 vote per precinct separated the 2nd and 3rd place finishers
and the 3rd and 4th place finishers.
Official City Council Results
Candidate Votes % Vote Margin Vote Margin / 34 UA Precincts
Erik Yassenoff 6,186 23.3% 717 21.1 votes
Mary Ann Krauss 5,469 20.6%
31 .91 votes
Ed Seidel 5,438 20.5%
39 1.15 votes
Dan McCormick 5,399 20.3%
1,322 38.9 votes
Leslie Heath 4,077 15.3%

UAPA's endorsed candidates win re-election

After waiting well over a month for certified election results and taking a break for holiday merriment, we can finally announce that UAPA's best-outcome election scenario won the day in UA's City Council race! A belated thank you to the UA progressive community for realizing the importance of this City Council race and coming out to vote. Our endorsed candidates, Mary Ann Krauss and Ed Seidel, were re-elected in a race that was very close.

Election Analysis

1. The progressive vote had a race-determining impact --- only one vote per precinct separated the candidates in 2nd and 3rd place and the candidates in 3rd and 4th place. Table 1 shows the official vote tallies.

2. Kingsdale was arguably the single biggest election issue. The election of Seidel, Krauss and Yassenoff, who all share a common mixed-use vision for Kingsdale, strongly suggests that voters believe the City has a responsibility to UA citizens to negotiate for the best possible use of this scarce, commercial property in the very heart of UA.

Rankin and Ciotola endorse Dan McCormick and Leslie Heath

Endorsement Scorecard: With Rankin's and Ciotola's new e-mail endorsements, the two political camps have emerged.

City Council Candidate Endorsements


Don Leach endorses Seidel, Krauss and Yassenoff

Councilman Don Leach has distributed his endorsement letter recommending the SKY ticket: Seidel, Krauss and Yassenoff.

Six former UA mayors back Seidel, Krauss and Yassenoff

Six former Upper Arlington’s mayors, Republicans and Democrats, joined together to write a letter to UA citizens about the upcoming election!

If there was ever a year for UAPA members to vote in a City Council election, this is it.

Kingsdale: Thinking Outside the Big Box

Progressive viewpoint:

To better the quality of life for Upper Arlington residents, the city must carefully guide the development of commercial and industrial property. Progressives want to increase revenue from commercial property, to keep property taxes down. The way to reach the goal is through careful planning and implementation, as well as actively seeking innovative partnerships with the private sector. It will not be achieved by passively waiting for new, unwise development to enrich the city.

City Council Series: Leslie Heath in Support of Library Censorship?

Issue Background

UAPA agrees with the UA Public Library’s philosophy that “…everyone matters and is respected.“ And we support its goal, which is “…to have an unbiased collection representing many points of view…”

However, in Upper Arlington, there is a growing intolerance of others’ views by a small, vocal minority influenced by outgoing Council member Tim Rankin. One of the most egregious examples is the 2005 dispute about the distribution of gay publications at the Upper Arlington Public Library. A group of conservatives tried to sway the Library Board with the claim they were protecting children.


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