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Joel Newby

Story Archive - 2020

Stories related to the 2020 primary and general elections, the COVID pandemic, Black Lives Matter protests, and idiocies involving QAnon, Boogaloo Bois and any other 2020 nonsense.

A Brand New Candidate Match!

August Candidate Match Challenge!

Do you want to help our excellent candidates, Joel Newby in Congressional District 15, Allison Russo in Ohio House District 24, Crystal Lett in State Senate District 16, and Supreme Court Justice candidate, Judge Jennifer Brunner?

For the month of August, UAPA will match the first $1,000 donated to each of these candidates. Donate any amount and it will be doubled. Use the ActBlue secure donation sites below for:

Pre-Primary Forums - Meet the Local Candidates

There have been multiple debates between Presidential hopefuls in advance of Ohio's Primary on March 17th, but did you know that there are other more local primaries? Two Democrats are vying to unseat Steve Stivers in Congressional District 15 and five want to face off against Stephanie Kunzie in State Senate District 16. Take the time to meet them and hear what they hope to accomplish. We have two upcoming opportunities:

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