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2020 Primary Election

2020 Events Archive

Events of 2020, including the COVID-19 pandemic and the 2020 election between Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

Story Archive - 2020

Stories related to the 2020 primary and general elections, the COVID pandemic, Black Lives Matter protests, and idiocies involving QAnon, Boogaloo Bois and any other 2020 nonsense.

Central Committee Candidates - 2020

The 2020 Primary on March 17th is also  an election for the representatives of the 6 Wards in Upper Arlington to the Ohio Democratic Party Central Committee. Some are contested and some are not. Some are endorsed by the Franklin County Democratic Party (FCDP), some are not. UAPA requested all candidates to submit a brief statement if they wished so you can become familiar with people who help guide our local Democratic Party. Providing this information to you does not constitute an endorsement by UAPA.

Pre-Primary Forums - Meet the Local Candidates

There have been multiple debates between Presidential hopefuls in advance of Ohio's Primary on March 17th, but did you know that there are other more local primaries? Two Democrats are vying to unseat Steve Stivers in Congressional District 15 and five want to face off against Stephanie Kunzie in State Senate District 16. Take the time to meet them and hear what they hope to accomplish. We have two upcoming opportunities:

Apply for Vacant UA Positions on the FCDP Executive Committee

Along with a number of at large members, every ward in Franklin County is entitled to a representative on the Executive Committee of the Franklin County Democratic Party (FCDP).

Of the seven wards in Upper Arlington, Wards 4 and 5 will become vacant in 2020. We at UAPA want UA to be fully represented in the councils of the county party, so we encourage YOU to consider running for one of these seats.

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