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Eric Brown

Judge Eric Brown Fundraiser - Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A strong Judiciary is of the utmost importance, and Judge Eric Brown is one of the most highly regarded jurists in Franklin County. Please support his candidacy for Franklin County Probate Court by attending a fundraising event in his honor.

Dinner Buffet on the Patio for The Honorable Eric Brown

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

5:00-7:00 p.m.

at the home of Barbara Sokol

2346 Fishinger Road

Suggested contribution $100

Please reply to David Black at 487-3526, ext. 22 or

Candidate Information

This is your starting point to learn more about the progressive candidates in our district.

Mary Jo Kilroy, 15th Congressional District

Ted Celeste, 24th State House District

Lee Fisher for U.S. Senate

Chief Justice Eric Brown for Supreme Court of Ohio


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