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Indivisible - The original guide to the resistance developed by several DC legislative and executive branch staffers. There are specialized toolkits, for recesses, campus, leaders, immigrant allies and more.

Ohio Resistance Guide - Published by Innovation Ohio, this guide provides ideas for working with the Statehouse and local politicians.



Story Archive - 2014

Stories taking place during 2014, including the midterm elections.

Great News! Early Voting Rights Protected!

COLUMBUS—Today the US District Court for the Southern District of Ohio ruled in favor of the Democratic National Committee and the Ohio Democratic Party’s motion for summary judgment to permanently maintain the final three days of early voting leading up to Election Day.  In response, Ohio Democratic Party Chairman Chris Redfern released the following statement: 

Team Obama: We're winning Ohio among early voters

By Jonathan Easley - 10/19/12 07:39 AM ET

The Obama campaign on Friday circulated a memo claiming to be well ahead of Mitt Romney among early voters in the critical battleground state of Ohio.

“Today we are ahead of where we were at this time against John McCain — and ahead of Mitt Romney,” national field director Jeremy Bird wrote. “Republicans are similarly talking up their ground game and early vote numbers, but their assertions rest on much shakier ground.”

No Republican presidential candidate has ever lost Ohio and gone on to win the election.

Republicans have touted their ground game in the crucial state, claiming they've closed the gap with Democrats.

President Obama has led in Ohio throughout this cycle, but polls have tightened in recent weeks. According to the Real Clear Politics average of polls, Obama leads Romney by 2.4 percentage points in the Buckeye State.

Read more here.


Reform Redistricting - Sign the Petition!

The background: Nonpartisan, good government organizations in Ohio have proposed a constitutional amendment that would reform Ohio’s redistricting process. With enough support this issue can be on this November’s ballot, so that Ohio’s voters can decide.

Defunding the Democratic Party

Wow! Rachel does the research on what's really going on in Wisconsin -- and Ohio. As she puts it "millions for Repubs" vs. "bakesales for Dems".

Candidate Information

This is your starting point to learn more about the progressive candidates in our district.

Mary Jo Kilroy, 15th Congressional District

Ted Celeste, 24th State House District

Lee Fisher for U.S. Senate

Chief Justice Eric Brown for Supreme Court of Ohio


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