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Sherrod Brown

2024 Yard Signs -- Sherrod Brown, Kamala!, Harris-Walz

Sherrod Brown Signs Now Available! Order Your Biden/Harris Signs, Too.

Biden-Harris Yard SignSherrod Brown 2024 Yard Sign


For delivery in Central Ohio only. 

We’re sorry, but we do not ship.  

2012 Events Archive

Events related to the 2012 Presidential primaries (Republican) and general election campaign (Romney vs. Obama), Congressional and Ohio races, and state and local issues such as Issue 2 (redistricting reform/gerrymandering prevention) and voter suppression in Ohio.

Stand with Senator Sherrod Brown While He Fights for All of Us!

Photograph of Senator Sherrod BrownCatch Sherrod Brown's debate with Josh Mandel on Thursday night!

Volunteer Rally – Thursday, October 18,  6:30 - 8:00 p.m.

NOTE TIME CHANGE: 6:15 to 8:00 p.m.

Location: Nationwide Insurance Global Headquarters, 1 Nationwide Blvd., Columbus, OH 43215  Meet on the corner of Nationwide and High Street!

Volunteer Debate Watch Party – Thursday, October 18,  8:00 -10:00 p.m.

Location: Ohio Democratic Party Headquarters, 340 East Fulton Street, Columbus, OH 43215  Food and beverages will be provided!


Housing Needed for Campaign Staff/Volunteers

2012 Campaign staff are pouring into Columbus and they need housing!  Some will be here for a weekend, some for a week, some for several weeks, and some until the election!  They will be working with the Obama campaign, the Sherrod Brown campaign, and ODP. There are also interns who need housing, as well as international and out-of-state volunteers. This is a great way to help the campaign without ever leaving your home or writing a check. It's a very rewarding experience and really is a lifesaver for those you take in!

Take Action to support Sherrod Brown and our Health!

Take Action! Urge Senator Sherrod Brown to stand strong and vote against the Tea Party's TRAIN act, which would undermine the Environmentat Protection Agency's ability to curb air pollution and protect Ohoians' health.

Senator Brown is under attack from powerful corporate interests and the Tea Party who are urging him to support the TRAIN Act.  

Call Senator Brown's office NOW and urge him to stand strong and VOTE AGAINST THE TRAIN ACT!


Sherrod Brown Reelection (Senate)

We have a wonderful, fearless, progressive Senator in Sherrod Brown. Despite being attacked by right-wing PACs and other groups with millions in ad-buys, he is still ahead in the polls--and we need to keep him in office.

For more information, vist the Sherrod Brown reelection website.

Consider making a donation to support Sherrod.

Like Sherrod on Facebook.

2012 Election

Thank you for visiting UAPA's 2012 Election Headquarters.  This portion of the site is UAPA's effort to stay connected with the campaigns not only in Upper Arlington, but also around Columbus, the state of Ohio, and the campaign to reelect our President Barack Obama.

SB5 training with Sherrod Brown May 14, 2011

SB5 repeal training and meeting with Sen. Sherrod Brown

Saturday, May 14

Home of George and Libby Kalbouss

1370 Wyandot Road, Grandview Heights, Ohio 43212

9 a.m. Brief training session on collecting signatures while canvassing

10 a.m. Meet with Sherrod Brown

Please RSVP: or 614-604-5722

Free and light refreshments


There are many jobs in addition to door-to-door canvassing: Staffing tables at public sites, inviting neighbors to drop by and sign, you name it. Or you might help recruit petition carriers, organize volunteers, double-check petitions as they are handed in, or fill other needs.

Volunteer at .

Thank you for helping stop the extremists' attack on the middle class!

Senator Sherrod Brown Standing Up For Unions


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