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Yvette McGee Brown

2012 Events Archive

Events related to the 2012 Presidential primaries (Republican) and general election campaign (Romney vs. Obama), Congressional and Ohio races, and state and local issues such as Issue 2 (redistricting reform/gerrymandering prevention) and voter suppression in Ohio.

Help Our Candidates Win in November! Double Your Dollars for Our Local Candidates and County Party -- Only Four More Days!

The stakes are high. And the candidates need our dollars now to win in November. The leadership of UAPA has decided to support three local candidates and the Franklin County Democratic Party (FCDP) with financial donations.  We believe we can make the most impact on a local level. To maximize the outcome, UAPA will double any contribution given (now through August 25) on behalf of those we have chosen to support up to $500.

Justice Yvette McGee Brown

Candidate for Ohio Supreme Court.

Justice Brown is a long time advocate for children and families and helped establish the Center for Child and Family Advocacy at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus.

Visit her website.



Future of Ohio's urban centers 6-22-10

"Future of Our Urban Centers"

Yvette McGee Brown, candidate for Ohio lieutenant governor

11 a.m., Tuesday, June 22

Ballroom, Lincoln Theatre, 769 E. Long Street, Columbus, Ohio

Ohio's urban centers' common issues and opportunities, from the personal perspective of Yvette Brown, native of the Columbus inner city.

Previously, judge and president of the Center for Child and Family Advocacy.

RSVP or volunteer



The Ohio Democratic Women's Caucus Luncheon


Saturday, October 2, 2010

11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Luncheon

Featuring Special Guest and Keynote Speaker

The Honorable Yvette McGee Brown

Candidate, Lieutenant Governor

Bridgewater Banquet & Conference Center

10561 Sawmill Parkway, Powell, Ohio

$50 per person; $500 per table

Tickets can be purchased on-line HERE

Call Erin Upchurch with questions at 286-6519


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