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Pat Lang

2012 Events Archive

Events related to the 2012 Presidential primaries (Republican) and general election campaign (Romney vs. Obama), Congressional and Ohio races, and state and local issues such as Issue 2 (redistricting reform/gerrymandering prevention) and voter suppression in Ohio.

Steve Stivers' Shameful Voting Record - Vote for Pat Lang!

According to, from Jan 2011 to Aug 2012, Stivers missed 181 of 1503 recorded or roll call votes, which is 12.0%. This is worse than the median of 2.4%.

According to, some of the bills Stivers did not vote on included:

  1. HR4078 – Red Tape Reduction and Small Business Job Creation Act -  7/2012
  2. HR 459 – Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2012 – 7/2012
  3. HR5856 – Dept. of Defense Appropriations Act – 7/2012

He voted yea on:

  1. Extending all the Bush tax cuts
  2. Prohibiting the use of federal funds for Planned Parenthood - HAmdt 95
  3. Repeal of the healthcare bill – HR6079
  4. Limit Federal Appropriations for fiscal years 2011-2012 (The Ryan Budget)
  5. To Repeal EPA emissions regulations on cement manufacturers – HR3079
  6. To Repeal EPA rule limiting interstate transport of emissions of nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide. – H Amdt 799


Help Our Candidates Win in November! Double Your Dollars for Our Local Candidates and County Party -- Only Four More Days!

The stakes are high. And the candidates need our dollars now to win in November. The leadership of UAPA has decided to support three local candidates and the Franklin County Democratic Party (FCDP) with financial donations.  We believe we can make the most impact on a local level. To maximize the outcome, UAPA will double any contribution given (now through August 25) on behalf of those we have chosen to support up to $500.

Meet Pat Lang (OH-15 candidate) on August 4th

Photo of Pat LangCome meet and talk with Pat Lang, Democratic Candidate for our 15th Congressional District this Saturday at the home of Mark and Katie Foley, 1820 Guilford Road, Upper Arlington. The meet 'n greet will run from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Pat Lang (OH-15) Endorsed by AFL-CIO

Lang Fights for Working Families in Race Against Incumbent Stivers

COLUMBUS -- Working men and women in Central and Southern Ohio's 15th District are standing behind Pat Lang because he'll stand up for them in Washington. Lang thanked the Ohio AFL-CIO for its endorsement as the pace picked up in his race against incumbent Congressman Steve Stivers. There are 111 days to go before Election Day.

A recent poll showed that only 38 percent of voters want to see Stivers re-elected and only 31 percent approve of the job that he's doing.

Detailed Polling in OH-15 Congressional Race; Opening for Pat Lang

Voters eager for change; Stivers unknown in district
June 25, 2012

Raleigh, N.C. – Republican incumbent Congressman Steve Stivers is mostly unknown in his own congressional district—41% of Ohio-15 voters are not sure of their opinion of Stivers.

40% of OH-15 voters are also unsure of their opinion of the congressman’s job performance in his first term.

June Poll Suggests Stivers Vulnerable

A recent Public Policy Poll shows that the 15th Congressional District, of which Upper Arlington is a part, is ready for a change in representation.  This poll finds that 63% of voters in the district do not support or are unsure if Steve Stivers should be reelected.  The poll indicates that Pat Lang, the Democratic candidate, does extremely well with young voters and with independents.

Meet Your Democratic Primary Candidates for the 15th Congressional District

We have two candidates vying for the Democratic candidacy for the 15th Congressional District slot in the upcoming Ohio Primary on March 6. The winner will run against Republican Rep. Steve Stivers in the fall. 

Pat Lang for Congress (OH-15)

Pat Lang is the Democratic candidate to replace Steve Stivers in the U.S. House of Representatives District 15. Most voters in Upper Arlington are in District 15.

Visit Pat's website.

Follow Pat on Twitter

2012 Election

Thank you for visiting UAPA's 2012 Election Headquarters.  This portion of the site is UAPA's effort to stay connected with the campaigns not only in Upper Arlington, but also around Columbus, the state of Ohio, and the campaign to reelect our President Barack Obama.


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