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Letter to the Editor - AG calls for discrimination by bosses

AG calls for discrimination by bosses

I see that Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine wants to allow private employers to deny their workers access to birth control based on the bosses’ religious beliefs (“DeWine backs wider religious exemption,” Dispatch article, Saturday).

Letter to the Editor - On Contraception and Freedom of Conscience

Published in the Columbus Dispatch in February 2012.

The outcry about the mandate to include contraception among covered preventive services tries to frame it as an assault on separation of church and state. As an ex-Catholic, I fully understand the church's position on contraception and abortion, and defend its right to preach its creed to the faithful.

Coffee & Conversation - The Republican War on Women

UA Progressive Action Coffee and Conversation
Saturday, April 7, 2012, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
30 Attendees

Speaker: Lauren Harmon, Director of the Ohio Democratic Women’s Caucus

Carolyn Casper introduced the speaker. Lauren Harmon will give us a brief overview of the war against women.

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