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Early Voting

The Most Effective Election Tool: Sample Ballots

We Need Your Help to Distribute the Democratic Sample Ballot During the Five Weeks of Early Voting Starting October 2. 

In 2008, over 55,000 Franklin County residents voted early and in person.  We can make a measurable difference for Sherrod Brown, Maureen Reedy , Issue 2, and many more candidates and issues we care about, if we can hand a Democratic Sample Ballot to voters before they step in front of the voting booth.  With a sample ballot, they'll know who the endorsed candidates and issues are.  Please consider volunteering for one or more, three hour shifts during the Early Vote period.  Read on to find out more. E-mail with the days and times you are available. 
Download a sample ballot today! 2012 Franklin County Sample Democratic Ballot.pdf



I'm Ashamed (of Ohio Voter Suppression)

Letters to the Editor
August 10, 2012

Columbus Dispatch,

In the 2012 Ohio Voter Information Guide Jon Husted says:  “The Secretary of State’s office is committed to ensuring that each Ohioan who is eligible to cast a ballot is able to do so.”

We learned, in the 2004 election, that 5 hour lines at the polls on Election Day kept some of those, who were eligible, from casting their ballot.  That was corrected in 2008 by allowing early in-person voting.

Voter Aids

It is especially important  that all progressives, liberals and Democrats vote--and because of new laws and redrawn districts many people may have difficulty casing a valid vote.

It will be doubly important in 2014 when there is no Presidential election in play. For each election, a sample ballot of Democratic candidates and progressive issues is created. Watch for it on our website. Print and take it to the poll with you or use it when you fill out your mail-in ballot.

Absentee Voting Rules Have Changed

You will NOT automatically be sent an application to get your absentee ballot.  You must request the application.

CALL  614-525-3100


Complete an application ONLINE or MAIL to the Franklin County Board of Elections. 

How to Vote Early

It's easy to vote early! Save yourself time and hassle by casting your ballor before November 4th. Here's how!

Vote Early by Mailvote

Help Obama and Vote Early!

A record voter turnout is expected for the 2008 U.S. presidential election, and that prediction will put new election law reforms to the test. According to, in 2004, 125 million people voted in the presidential election, about 88 percent of registered voters. Experts believe that turnout in 2008 will be somewhere between 125 million and 200 million voters, the highest numbers in recent memory.


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