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Yard Signs

It's time to turn UA blue!

In 1928, Republicans pledged “a chicken in every pot.” Ninety-some years later, the GOP has forgotten that many Americans not only don’t have a chicken, they don’t even have a pot to cook it in. 

Romney says he wants to get into the Oval Office so he can strengthen the middle class by reducing the debt and maintaining tax cuts.  But trickle down economics have strengthened only the bank accounts of his millionaire pals, Wall Street traders, and special interest groups. And the rest of the 99% are suffering.

Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Display Your Obama Sign on Primary Day this Tuesday

Not convinced you should display your Obama sign now through Tuesday?  Here are a few good reasons why we encourage you!


Just in Time for the Primary: Show Your Support for President Obama and Turn UA Blue This Saturday!

signThe local airwaves are already full of campaigns ads for the Republican challengers in advance of Ohio's Primary on Super Tuesday, March 6, 2012.  As they tear each other and our President apart with their nasty rhetoric, we can promote a positive message and show unified support for our Democratic candidate!

Signs are going up all over UA

October 6, 2010

Signs are going up everywhere

We've been planting free candidate yard signs all over UA --- at over 125 locations so far. To the right is the map for just the signs that UAPA has placed over the last two weeks.

Now we need your help to cover this map completely with push pins.

There are two ways to get candidate yard signs:

  1. Pick them up at our debate party this Thursday, October 6. RSVP and get details here.
  2. Or order your free yard signs online here and we'll deliver and plant them at your location!

Click here to order your yard signs now!

Democratic Candidate Sign Theft

Thefts of Democratic yard signs began last weekend with one or two incidents and increased quite a bit this past weekend. In each of the incidents reported to us, there were Republican yard signs one or two yards away that were not taken. In some cases, there were several incidents in a single neighborhood.

We are taking the only effective course of action – replace them as soon as possible after the theft is reported.

If your sign is stolen, submit your sign replacement request here.


Jon Stewart Rally

Both Big Os — Oprah and Obama — have endorsed Jon Stewart's Rally to Restore Sanity, so you know he's on to something big. Since Sept. 16, when Stewart announced his Oct. 30 rally, along with Stephen Colbert’s satirical March to Keep Fear Alive, 190,000 people on Facebook have said they plan to attend the event, while another 100,000 have said they might.

UAPA is getting requests for buses going to the Rally in DC and for info on a satellite event here in Columbus. If you have info on either of these or are interested in volunteering, please send to


UAPA Debate Party with U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown

Join UAPA as Governor Strickland delivers


at the final gubernatorial debate

with special guest

U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown

Click here to RSVP



1973 West Henderson Road next to Kroger in the Kroger shopping


May We Suggest...


1. Obama's speech to Gen44 tonight knocked our socks off. It's on CSPAN here. If you've forgotten why many of you worked so hard for this guy, and felt hope for the first time in many years, watch it.

2. USA Today Op-Ed: How to fight Tea Party's faux populism by Sherrod Brown. Money quote: "Bring back pre-existing conditions. Vote Republican."

2. From President Obama's Rolling Stone interview:

"It is inexcusable for any Democrat or progressive right now to stand on the sidelines in this midterm election. There may be complaints about us not having gotten certain things done, not fast enough, making certain legislative compromises. But right now, we've got a choice between a Republican Party that has moved to the right of George Bush and is looking to lock in the same policies that got us into these disasters in the first place, versus an administration that, with some admitted warts, has been the most successful administration in a generation in moving progressive agendas forward.
....If we want the kind of country that respects civil rights and civil liberties, we'd better fight in this election. And right now, we are getting outspent eight to one by these 527s that the Roberts court says can spend with impunity without disclosing where their money's coming from. In every single one of these congressional districts, you are seeing these independent organizations outspend political parties and the candidates by, as I said, factors of four to one, five to one, eight to one, 10 to one.

We have to get folks off the sidelines. People need to shake off this lethargy, people need to buck up. Bringing about change is hard — that's what I said during the campaign. It has been hard, and we've got some lumps to show for it. But if people now want to take their ball and go home, that tells me folks weren't serious in the first place.
If you're serious, now's exactly the time that people have to step up."

Signs Are Going Up Everywhere

We've been planting free candidate yard signs all over UA --- at over 125 locations so far. To the right is the map for just the signs that UAPA has placed over the last two weeks.

Now we need your help to cover this map completely with push pins.

There are two ways to get candidate yard signs:

Columbus Dispatch 2008: Obama signs are hot property




Obama signs are hot property

Supporters seethe as front yards from Clintonville to UA turn up empty

Saturday, September 20, 2008 3:12 AM


Maybe Vaseline laced with hot-pepper juice?
That's the concoction Becky Armstrong of Upper Arlington is thinking of spreading on her Barack Obama campaign sign now that thieves have stolen five others from her yard.

Sometime after dark on Thursday, her sign and 13 others disappeared from Mountview Road. It's the second time such signs have been swiped en masse from the street.

Laura Schwartz, who distributes signs for Democratic Upper Arlington Progressive Action, said that more than 100 Obama-for-president signs have been stolen in the city. She's encouraging people to take their signs in at night and report stolen signs on the group's Web site.

"There was a rash of it last week, and it looks like a coordinated effort," she said.

The same problem cropped up in Upper Arlington four years ago, when John Kerry and George W. Bush signs disappeared close to the election. That same year, a Columbus lawyer admitted he'd told his 13-year-old daughter to take a Kerry sign from a Northwest Side yard.

Upper Arlington residents began reporting stolen Obama signs in late August, said Jackie Ackison of the police records division. No one has reported a stolen John McCain sign, she said.

Police in the suburb discourage residents from reporting the thefts.

"People get very upset that we don't make the stolen signs top priority, but we just can't," Ackison said. She said residents should put their name and address on signs so they can be returned if recovered. So far, none have been, she said.

Neither the Obama nor McCain campaign headquarters in Columbus would comment on yard-sign thefts.

Yard signs are stolen every year in Worthington, said police dispatcher Deb Hunter.

"It'll get hot and heavy soon. We go through this anytime there's an election," she said. Usually, signs from both presidential parties are targets, she said.

In Granville, only one sign -- for McCain -- has been reported stolen so far, police there said.

On Piedmont Road in Clintonville, the pilfering started about two weeks ago, when a handful of signs disappeared. One resident saw a man jump out of a black car, pull up Obama signs and drive off with them at 1:30 a.m.

"She yelled at him: 'I see you! I see you!' but I'm sure he couldn't hear her because his car was playing really loud music," said resident Mary Struble, whose sign was stolen that night. In addition, Struble's Obama bumper sticker was removed from her car.

She said no one has a clue who's stealing the signs but she doesn't think it's a teenage prank.

"If it wasn't political, you'd think someone would have found the signs somewhere," she said.

Bob Krasen of Blenheim Road in Clintonville has had three Obama signs filched. He added a cow bell to the third one as an alarm, but both the sign and the bell were taken. Now he has made a permanent sign and planted it in his yard.

This is the first time that Struble, who's 80, has had a political sign of any kind in her yard or on her car. She also has an Obama T-shirt, which she wears frequently.

So far, no one has tried to steal that.



Yard sign initiative: what a great response!


Missing Your UA for Obama Sign? You're Not Alone!

The sign wars begin . . . already.

We report with regret that many of the UA for Obama signs already have been stolen since their debut in the city on June 22nd. This is a problem that we expect to continue and worsen as we approach the general election.

Join the Family Fun and Come to the 4th Annual UAPA Picnic at Fancyburg Park!


Make plans now to attend UAPA's 4th annual family picnic on Sunday, June 22 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Be prepared for an afternoon of live entertainment, popular picnic food (including vegetarian options), children's activities and good conversation!

Sign up for the picnic!

Chicago Tribune 2004


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