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2012 Election

Action Item: Laptops Needed for 2012 Campaign.

We need laptops to do virtual phone banks, and not every phone banker comes equipped.

Do you have a laptop you're not using that we could borrow for the 2012 campaign?  Or would you like to make a donation of one of the cheap-cheap laptops from Microcenter ($250 gets a reconditioned laptop now) to help our cause?

Central Ohio Democratic Women's Caucus Discusses Messaging Skills on March 22

cAre you an effective communicator for women's issues? How strong is your messaging ability?  "Effective Communication for Women's Issues: How Women Can Hone Their Messaging Skills" will be the special topic addressed at the Central Ohio Democratic Women's Caucus meeting Thursday, March 22, 2012, from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. at the Ohio Democratic Party (ODP) headquarters, 340 E.

UAPA Membership Meeting on March 20 Focuses on Fair Redistricting

fBe engaged and plan on attending UAPA's next membership meeting on March 20, Upper Arlington Main Library, 2800 Tremont Road. The meeting will be held downstairs, and runs from 7:00- 8:30 p.m.  Richard Gunther, professor emeritus of political science, OSU, will speak about the current Constitution-changing petition effort to replace the existing redistricting process with a balanced approach that emphasiz

Why You Should Vote On Tuesday

Every Vote CountsYou may be tempted to skip the election this Tuesday. It might be rainy or cold, and, well, we don’t have a horse in this presidential race so why bother to show up? Actually we have a lot of good reasons to go to the polls on Tuesday. Let us count the top five most important reasons.

Meet Your Democratic Primary Candidates for the 15th Congressional District

We have two candidates vying for the Democratic candidacy for the 15th Congressional District slot in the upcoming Ohio Primary on March 6. The winner will run against Republican Rep. Steve Stivers in the fall. 

Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Display Your Obama Sign on Primary Day this Tuesday

Not convinced you should display your Obama sign now through Tuesday?  Here are a few good reasons why we encourage you!


Just in Time for the Primary: Show Your Support for President Obama and Turn UA Blue This Saturday!

signThe local airwaves are already full of campaigns ads for the Republican challengers in advance of Ohio's Primary on Super Tuesday, March 6, 2012.  As they tear each other and our President apart with their nasty rhetoric, we can promote a positive message and show unified support for our Democratic candidate!

Maureen Reedy Campaign (Ohio House - 24th District)

Maureen Reedy photoMaureen Reedy is a 29-year veteran teacher at Wickliffe Progressive Community School in Upper Arlington City Schools and resides in Upper Arlington with her husband Tom, a teacher in Bexley City Schools. She has two children, Jackie and Dan, both of whom are students at the Ohio State University.

Sherrod Brown Reelection (Senate)

We have a wonderful, fearless, progressive Senator in Sherrod Brown. Despite being attacked by right-wing PACs and other groups with millions in ad-buys, he is still ahead in the polls--and we need to keep him in office.

For more information, vist the Sherrod Brown reelection website.

Consider making a donation to support Sherrod.

Like Sherrod on Facebook.

Obama/Biden 2012 Campaign

Visit here for information about the Obama/Biden reelection campaign, with emphasis on events and efforts in Upper Arlington and Central Ohio.

Official Obama reelection site.

Like UA for Obama on Facebook.

Follow UA for Obama on Twitter.

UA for Obama YouTube channel.


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